Let's stay in touch!
If you want to stay up to date on where I am and what I am experiencing on this journey you can follow me on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok:
You want me to come visit?
If you know of a person with an interesting testimony, a church I should visit or an awesome organization run by Christians or within a Christian context I would love to hear from you! And of course if you are living somewhere along my route and would just like to connect and maybe even show me around I would also love to hear from you :) You don't have to identify as a Christian to message me, if you are just interested in this project or think that you have a good idea or input I really would love to connect :)
If you want to suggest a specific place or person to visit please make sure to include the following information in the email (in addition to whatever else you would like to say ;)):
- Your full name and location
- The name and location of the church/person/organziation you recommend for me to visit
- Please tell me a little bit about this and why you think it would be a good place/person to visit
- How are you connected to this church/person/organization? Do you know them personally or are you the best point of contact? If somebody else would be the best point of contact please include their contact details
- If available the links you have to their website, social media etc.
Please contact this email address: rootedasone@outlook.com. Feel free to email me in English or German.
Press and Collaboration Requests
Please feel free to contact me via this email address: rootedasone@outlook.com and make sure to include either "PRESS" or "COLLAB" in the subject box so that I can get back to you as soon as possible! You can email me in English or German.